Rosenvingea intricata (J.Agardh) Borgesen


Rosenvingea intricata (J.Agardh) Borgesen


Plants profusely branched, branching wide angled, irregularly dichotomous or pseudodichotomous, light brown in colour, tubular, hollow inside; older parts of the thallus highly compressed with uneven surface, 10 m or more across at its widest part. Branches decreasing in size, ultimately ending in very minute ramification, hair like, teret, 0.5 mm across; transverse section of thallus with 3-4 layers of cells, innermost layer of cells lining the hollow cavity larger than the peripheral cells. 30-60µ or more across; outermost layer in surface view irregularly polygonal cells, 9-13µ broad; each cell with a single chromatophore. Chromatophore 9.9 - 13.2µ across; plurilocular sporangia in plenty, several together in circular to oval sori, spread over the whole surface of the thallus; mature sporangium clavate, 19.8µ long, 6-7µ broad.

Distribution : Maharashtra, Goa

Ecological status : Mangrove swamps, Estuarine/ intertidal zones

IUCN status : LRnt

Uses : used as a source of alginate and fertilizer

Cultivation : No

Exiating Cultivation : None